UNITESERVE     Explore Human Mind and Relationships β

1.5.2 RQ-TQ imbalance in Political-Economic History

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There is an important lesson to be learned from our human political history. Let’s start from renaissance in Europe. Europe was making steady progress in technology. The progress in military, communication and navigational technology helped brought about colonialism. With advancing technology in Europe after the beginning of industrial revolution, political relationships did not show the same progress. There were frequent wars between European states with ever increasing sophistication in weapons. What we see is that advance in technology did not bring about progress in relationships. Same pattern is often repeated all over human history and in every part of the world.

As soon as industrial technological power strength builds up it is usually used for political power and warfare, bringing economic, social and psychological problems. We consider as these ill effects as due to low RQ and high TQ.

Ultimately, people do make progress in relationships. For example, Europe has become united as a union; most nations have their freedom from colonialism, and have become good trading partners with their former colonizing powers. So usually we see that progress have been made. But the pattern we need to see is that usually economic and technological power grows much faster than progress in national and international relationships.

We need to realize that the RQ-TQ imbalance in individuals influences overall national issues. A nation is made of individuals, so the problem at individual level must relate to that of the national level and vice versa. So addressing the RQ-TQ imbalance at national level means that it needs to be fixed at the individual level also. This book set has sufficient ideas to tackle this.

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