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1.5.1 Introduction

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Let me now discuss how to tackle what I call as the RQ-TQ imbalance problem, which I consider as the root cause of many major human problems throughout history and a threat to survival of humanity.

In spite of the positive factors that nations acquire when they get richer, technology and economy grow at a faster rate than the rate of growth in relationship factors. This imbalance in growth in technology without compensating growth in relationships has led to many general and deeper problems. For example, family and social networks have weakened. They have problems in relating with each other in close relationships. This can be seen in high divorce rates. There is also increase in violence, drug abuse problems, teenage pregnancy, etc. I will discuss this imbalance in detail in this section. Throughout this book set, I will discuss how this problem may be the root cause of many or most major problems in the world, and provide necessary ideas to solve this problem.

From section 1.2 we see that healthy economics needs advancement in technology and relationships. In line with this, roughly, we can split IQ (intelligence quotient) into TQ (Technical Quotient) and RQ (Relational Quotient.

IQ = TQ + RQ

We can consider technical quotient TQ to be a hypothetical measurement of overall ability in technical aspects in any field without consideration to relational aspects; Good TQ makes people good in technological capabilities. Similarly let relationship quotient RQ is a hypothetical measurement of ability in managing relationships. For good RQ one needs understanding of human mind and skills in managing it. EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) that is popular now-a-days can be considered as a part of RQ. Usually only TQ is tested in standardized tests in schools, colleges and other recruitment agencies[2].

When a nation develops in time, people become relationally better, and technologically better. However, the problem is that the technical ability in various fields (TQ) increases much faster than the ability to solve relationship problems (RQ). This is what I would like to refer to it as RQ-TQ imbalance problem. As we have seen in section 1.2 healthy economic activity depends on both social and technological (technical) activity: a specific effect of this imbalance is economic problems, because of lagging of RQ compared to TQ. Let me discuss the RQ-TQ imbalanced evolution in various contexts next, and explain why this imbalance is the greatest threat to the survival of humanity, explain the possible root cause of this problem based on brain science, and how this book set provides the necessary foundation to defeat it.

When a nation develops in time, people become relationally better, and technologically better. However, the problem is that the technical ability in various fields (TQ) increases much faster than the ability to solve relationship problems (RQ). This is what I would like to refer to it as RQ-TQ imbalance problem. As we have seen in section 1.2 healthy economic activity depends on both social and technological (technical) activity: a specific effect of this imbalance is economic problems, because of lagging of RQ compared to TQ. Let me discuss the RQ-TQ imbalance in various contexts next, and explain why this imbalance is the greatest threat to the survival of humanity, explain the possible root cause of this problem based on brain science, and how this book set provides the necessary foundation to defeat it.

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